Thank you for taking time to visit our web site. This page is designed to tell you more
about our concert presentation so you can decide how our ministry can best suit your
OUR PURPOSE is to reflect the Lord in such a way
that the audience will be drawn to Him for Salvation/Commitment. Each concert is prepared
with much prayer.
FORMAT is thematic or a Bible Story applied to our
times (see below). We use a lot of Scripture, which makes the concert appropriate for a
morning service. Also included are, personal experiences, illustrations and poems I've
written to front-end the songs. You may want to listen to our radio program. Keep in mind,
though, that there is less speaking between songs at a concert.
MUSIC STYLE We present songs with different
styles - from Contemporary to Christian Country. Because of this, our concerts are well
received by all age groups. Most churches enjoy a mix.
Songs are chosen based on what they mean to us - not necessarily the style, though
we stay away from the heavy rock beat so the words can be clearly understood. The concert
contains songs in varied vocal ranges. We also try to include the audience in on a song or two.
LENGTH about an hour for a morning service and 1 1/4 hours
for the evening. Since we custom create each concert for the event/church, we can prepare it
for any length/theme. We would, however, like at least 45 minutes.
# SONGS . . . an evening concert contains
approximately 8 songs.
Sound: We bring our own sound system, which Dale operates. He is a certified sound
Fees: love-offering and mileage, to assist us in our growing ministry needs. Housing, if needed.
Some of the Themes and Bible Stories Presented |
Christmas |
Easter |
Valentine's Day |
Mother's Day |
Father's Day |
Thanksgiving |
4th of July |
Memorial Day |
Birthdays |
Revivals |
Mission Outreach |
Homecomings |
Friend Day |
Anniversaries |
Women's Ministries |
Seminars |
Singles Conferences |
Family Conferences |
Evangelism Explosion kickoff |
Seniors Events |
Stewardship Emphasis |
How to ‘G R O W’ Spiritually |
Who is God? |
Count Your Blessings |
Fight Fire With Fire |
Let’s Just Worship |
Back To Basics |
Intimacy With God |
How To Please God |
What Is Success? |
Why Do We Suffer? |
Living The Resurrected Life |
Power - The Right Kind Of Way |
Lessons we learned on the mission field while building the 1st Christian radio station in southern Belize. |
Who will you stand for? (Daniel, Shadrack. Meshack, Abednigo)
The battle is not yours...it's the Lord's (Jehosaphat did things right)
From Barb & Dale . . .
We provide these responses for you to read, trusting that you will
give praise to the Lord with us, for what He has accomplished through our ministry. Our
desire is that these responses will cause you to desire to use this ministry to uplift your
congregation . . .
Your ministry blessed my heart.- Dr. Criswell, First Baptist of Dallas, Texas
The program glorifies the Lord from start to finish - Bill Welte, Sandy Cove Ministries
My heart was touched and my soul lifted by your wonderful ministry. It was certainly God
glorifying and superb in every way. - Dr. Moon, Perry Hall Baptist.
Everyone is sharing how blessed they were by your ministry. God worked in a powerful
way. The effects will have long term ramifications on many lives. - Rev. Harper, Sunnyside Alliance
Your ministry is greatly appreciated in so many ways; bringing God's words, reflecting His
loving kindness, touching and warming our hearts, sowing seeds of God's love.
The organization and coordination is very professional and shows dedication/devotion in all
you do for His sake. - Karen Wong, Chinese Christian Church
Barbara has ministered on many occasions and each time she has been a source of
blessing and has provided an inspirational experience. Having Barbara in your fellowship
would be a warm and enjoyable experience and be Christ-exalting to all who attend.
- Rev. Blight, Calvary Tabernacle
Barbara's desire to know God more intimately comes shining through in her concerts.
That is a tremendous inspiration. It is obvious that she had prayed to God to get
specific direction for the service. - Rev. Scott, Lansdowne Worship Center
The concert presentation was a wonderful time of ministry and worship. All were richly
blessed. It is very evident that God has called her into this ministry and is refreshing to
see someone who truly has a heart for ministry. - Rev. Norman, Maranatha Church of God.
The music selected was perfect, and the presentation was flawless. Her leadership in
worship allowed each of those present to meet our Lord again. - Rev. Bumgarner, Elvaton Baptist
Jesus was exalted by the ministry of one who does not perform, but uses the special gift
of music to minister to the hearts and lives of people. - Rev. Clifton, Olney Baptist Church
Barbara is a dedicated Gospel singer and will be an inspiration to you and your church. The Holy
Spirit was present when she sang with great power. One person was converted. Praise the Lord!:
- Rev. Langrall, Blackwater Fellowship
Email us at sandbekministries@yahoo.com for a list of churches we’ve ministered to in your denomination.